The Only Person I Want To Talk To

Soul mate is a hilarious word

The concept is an overused movie cliché

Alter ego star, confidante, companion, friend, heart's desire, helpmate, kindred soul, kindred, one's promised, partner and true love are all synonyms one could use in its place

But nothing fits

This jig saw puzzle is fucked


Mistakes were made

Failures I have yet to learn from

Defeated, overcome, crushed, conquered, beaten, foiled, wrecked, broken, destroyed, crestfallen, and vanquished I lay her longing for you

But I cannot reach out

This situation is fucked


There can be only one

That’s what the rules say

Decree, law, order, norm, precedent, statute, regulation, etiquette, formula, decorum and propriety drive the need for this distance

But you dictated this

This game plan is fucked


How do I know I need you

I want to hold you like I want to hold nothing else in the world

Caress, squeeze, cuddle, embrace, hug, cleave to, clutch, curl up, nestle, grasp, and wrap my arms around your soul

But you are searching for something else

I am fucked